Taste Washington Day 2019
We had a great time on Taste Washington Day! 🍏The awesome Mr.Z and Miss Casey, or should I say, Mr. Pea and Miss Strawberry, served up...
Did you know that Coupeville Farm to School is growing?Thanks to generous donations from our community members we were able to plant a 30...
Elementary School Fundraiser
This November we're excited to get our CES families involved in the garden! We're launching a campaign to raise funds so we can continue...
Taste Washington Day
On October 3rd schools across Washington State celebrated locally grown foods. The school lunch program served WA grown fruits and...
Greenhouse Moving Day
From Wilbur Purdue: Despite the smoke’s beat efforts our work party did some significant work today on dismantling more of the greenhouse...
Farm to School Donor Spotlight: The Crow's Roost
Thank you Crow's Roost for your amazing support of our program! We have such a talented and supportive community! Crow's Roost facebook:...
Farm to School Donor Spotlight: Summit Garden Services, LLC
Thank you, Summit Garden Services, LLC for supporting our Farm to School Program! Be sure to visit their beautiful website! Summit...
Farm to School Donor Spotlight: Slow Food Whidbey
Since the early days of Coupeville Farm to School, Slow Food Whidbey has been such a great supporter or our program! They've been with...
Farm to School Donor Spotlight: Serendipity Catering
Serendipity has earned many kudos for their culinary talents. Coupeville Farm to School is grateful for their support with our own...
Farm to School Donor Spotlight: The Salty Mug
A wonderful supporter of our program, the Salty Mug is a must stop when in town! Take a walk down to the end of the wharf for a treat! ...